Time for Prints

Working for time is a co-operation for mutual benefit. The model puts in her/his time, resources and effort and the photographer does the same. No money changes hands. Both, the model and the photographer cover their own expenses and benefit from each other's skills and talents.

The model's fee consists of photographic images. Typically, the photographs are supplied as digital files for download from the website or, rarely nowadays, as prints.


Permitted uses of photographs

- As long as it is for your own self-promotion, you can use the photographs in any way you like.

- For any published use (Internet and print), a credit for the photographer is required.  A credit is a comment that says who the photographer is.

- Photographs may not be sold or traded.

- You may not publish or otherwise use the photographs for any other purpose than your own self-promotion.

- For any other use, contact us for extended licensing.